Friday, October 31, 2008

A Dark Fairy...A Cinderella Fairy...and a Dumbo (er...Eeyore)...

The wee kidlets went trick-or-treating tonight...I think its a little funny we have kids at two ends of the spectrum--we have Taylor who at age 10(almost 11) is thinking this might be her last year for trick-or-treating and that it is "just not as fun as it used to be, and candy just really isn't that important you know?"...

and then we have Carter-boy who finally could walk and do his own trick-or-treating for the first time...and he was hilarious! He'd walk up to the door slowly, as Reagan usually had already ran up there and pressed the bell and said "Trick-or-Treat" he'd finally make it up to the door, and say his usual social "Hi!" and then keep going right into the house...

One of us would run up and turn him around and he'd slowly walk DOWN the sidewalk, turning around to say "Bye!" before ponderously moving on...he definitely had the whole elephant walk thing downpat. We started out the night calling him a cute elephant like Dumbo or Horton...but by the end of the night he mostly resembled Eeyore and was droopily clomping around staring blankly at people and moaning...(I think it was past his bedtime--or maybe he'd just had enough of those ears...)

Reagi put her own costume together at the last minute...she was torn between wearing her pink princess costume...cinderella costume...wings...petticoats...OH the choices!!! I had told her I'd make her anything she wanted for Halloween, but as usual she wanted some store-bought princessy thing...which is TOTALLY fine by me--whatever makes her happy! What is that saying?..."the shoemakers children go barefoot...the bakers children go hungry..."...well, the poor costumers children go naked at Halloween;)

No...they weren't exactly naked, but it is definitely the truth that I am SO busy during the month of October that my own kids costumes get put on the back burner...good thing they are easily pleased! Before I started my little business, I did make Taylor elaborate Halloween costumes...whatever she wanted--and she was such a unique little girl, she always wanted to be something a dinosaur or dragon, CERTAINLY nothing pink or princessy or GIRLY...ughhhh!!!;) Here she is in a Dinosaur costume I made for her when she was 4..she had the whole thing planned out, from the foam spikes on the tail--down to the rainbow "scales" on the belly...who can argue with such VISION?

Then the next year she was on a huge "Sleeping Beauty" kick...we must have watched that movie every day for six months! So she wanted to be something from the movie...but DEFINITELY NOT Aurora...or a Fairy...nooooo....she wanted to be a scary Malificent kind of dragon...thing....

That was the year Reagan was born...I suppose I should just be proud Taylor had a handmade costume at all that year, since I had a newborn who was two weeks old on Halloween...

I sewed Bunny ears to Reagi's baby cap and put her pink bunting on her and called it good...

Another Halloween and a movie and lots of trick-or-treaters (I think Reagi enjoyed handing out the candy MORE than getting candy!!)

A last little pic of the wee elephant...he was a hit wherever we went...even if he had no idea what we were doing...

Friday, October 24, 2008

So I'm a flaky blogger....

darn...sorry I'm such a flaky chick when it comes to the blogging...I guess I'm too busy LIVING the moment to write about it! (that is my excuse anyway...) I do have lots of stuff to blog about...two different family visits....a wedding anniversary(can I really have been married 14 years already???where did THAT time go?) Two birthdays...(one of us turned 5 and one of us turned 35...I'll let you guess WHO) and several projects, both sewing and decorating...
SEE??? Busy busy...that is my problem!
I HAVE been hanging out with a fabulous group of ladies on my small amount of computer time...the wonderful ladies who run the Boutique Buyers Blog asked me to do a guest-writer post for the month of can check out my attempt to be funny HERE...please feel free to leave NICE comments, (go easy on me folks) and remember...I never claimed to be a good writer...
And costume season is over....darn....
I do have a few more pics of costumes to post, I feel sad to be done already--but quite happy to be moving on to Holiday-wear! Since I have PILES of corduroys and silks...and taffetas....and knits all staring at me waiting for me to make them into SOMETHING for colder weather, I'd better stop typing and get sewing.
Here is my latest listing...I had the opportunity to guest with the LimeVine girls (a fabulous design group on ebay) and they had the fabulous theme of "LUSTRE"...

You can visit the auction for this little number HERE...